Thursday, March 19, 2009

More & More on Oneness.

The best way to teach is not to transmit words uni-directionally to another individual.

Instead, it's to ask him the right question.

To force him to think for himself the right answer.

Here are 3 questions for you to think about:

1) In a lake loaded with fishes, can you feed only a specific one?

2) Sitting on the bench of a park, in front of you is a flock of pigeons staring at your bag of bread loaf. If you are generous enough to share, can you feed only a specific one?

3) When watering a tree, can you nurture only a specific leaf?







BINGO. You got the answer for yourself.

For your life.

You can't get very rich in the worldwide financial tsunami.

You can't breathe fresh air in a polluted city.

You can't enjoy healthy food if all plants and animals on our planet are chemically poisoned to different extents.

This is Oneness. Everything is connected. All is one.

If a part is bad, the whole will be bad.

If a part is improved, the whole will be improved.

That again explains why What goes around comes around.

Hence, under whatever circumstances, remember 3 things:

1. Think only good thoughts;
2. Say only good words;
3. Do only good deeds.

Yes, all you have to do is Re-member.

For the good of all members on our planet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More on Oneness.

As the core "umbrella" concept in all the New Age teachings, we might need further explanation on Oneness, with the help of the most typical matter found everyday, in everyone's life.

Consider re-decoration of one's residence. To be exact, it's re-decoration on apartments (What over 95% of total population of a metropolitan city dwell in). An apartment never exists on its own, it has its various counterparts connected, in a material called concrete.

It's simple physics. Sound and vibration travels along connected parts. To very long distances. Say, in a fewer than 20 storeys residential building, as long as some drilling work is done within only one apartment, residents of the whole building can hear the noise and feel the vibration. And the legal hours that allow decoration work in Hong Kong last from 9AM to 6 PM.

The question is, if you're a night shift worker who needs his 8-hr sleep in the day, your mental and physical health will definitely be adversely affected. For a typical re-decoration project lasts more than a month.

Once such deed goes beyond the tolerance level of any resident in the building, disaster happens. Lawsuits, big fights (verbal and physical) and even murders.

All of the above paragraphs illustrate one important point regarding Oneness - That what goes around comes around.

Hence, under whatever circumstances, remember 3 things:

1. Think only good thoughts;
2. Say only good words;
3. Do only good deeds.

Don't ask me what's meant by "good", for you've known it for long.

Long before you came to this planet.
