Monday, July 13, 2009

Why most viewers get disappointed with [RICKY] the movie.

Personally, I quite like the recent French movie - RICKY.

It's basically a story of a cute baby angel born into a normal single parent family.

Yet, most movie-goers left the cinema with complaints.


First, they had expectations. They might expect it to be a Hollywood production with more cuddly cute and funny scenes plus most important of all, a very happy ending. However, expectations are what Buddha taught us to be the root cause of unhappiness.

Second, they might have forgotten a classic Four-Liner that I got deeply moved on my first encounter, at the age of 9.

"If you love something, let it go.
If it comes back to you, it's yours forever.
If it doesn't,
It never was."

"Something" includes every thing. Both living and non-living things. It could be your dog, your lover, or your family member

Go see the movie.

You'll like it.

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